Show Your Love for the Game and Help Sustain its Future
Launched in 2016 as a collaborative effort between the Minnesota Golf Association and the Minnesota Section PGA, the Play Golf Minnesota Specialty License Plate annually raises funds for player development programs serving youth, military veterans and players with disabilities.
All proceeds from the plate fee ($30) are directed toward for the-good-of-the-game programs and grants, as directed by a joint venture between PGA REACH, the charitable arm of the Minnesota Section PGA, and the Minnesota Golf Foundation, a 501(c)(3) corporation affiliated with the Minnesota Golf Association.
Some current and former programs benefitting from these proceeds include:
Fairway Foundation
First Tee Minnesota
Golf in Schools
Kids Golf-A-Palooza
Minneapolis Park and Recreation
United Heroes League
Youth on Course Minnesota
Ask for the “MN Golf” specialty license plate the next time you renew your tabs or purchase a vehicle.
The Play Golf Minnesota License Plate is available at DMV locations. Golfers who pay the $30 plate fee will have the satisfaction of knowing that proceeds will be directed toward for-good-of-the-game programs, such as junior golf and player development, designated by a joint Minnesota MGA/PGA committee.